
Antonin Rioche | Korzo & Nederlands Dans Theater
Sat 16 Mar ’24 20:30
About love, fame and recognition
Sat 16 Mar ’24
  • Sat 16 Mar ’24
    Locatie: Natlab - Podiumzaal

The talented Antonin Rioche likes to push the boundaries between art forms such as film, dance and theater. In his own way, he knows how to put a finger on the sore spots of our modern life. His first full-length performance Glitter is about love, fame and recognition. It beckons to our childhood in which everything seems possible and dreams have not yet faded. A melancholic glimpse of lost moments propels the piece forward. The cast embodies, with a touch of humor, intimate memories of dreams long gone.

His first full-length performance Glitter is about love, fame and recognition. It beckons to our childhood in which everything seems possible and dreams have not yet faded. A melancholic glimpse of lost moments propels the piece forward. The cast embodies, with a touch of humor, intimate memories of dreams long gone.

  • Excl. beverage


Choreografie & concept Antonin Rioche Assistant Rosanne Briens Performers o.a. Ève-Marie Dalcourt, Toon Lobach, Grace Lyell

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