Fri 18 Oct ’2420:30 - 21:30Philipszaal
Club Guy & Roni brings together different cultures and worldviews, and shows the deep human connection through an explosion of live music and spectacular choreography. The coming together of nine dancers and five musicians from the Netherlands and Morocco makes FAITH a compelling intercultural performance that searches for a common ground that is essential for a shared belief in the future. The Theaterkrant described his earlier work based on gnawa music with Lila rituals as virtuosic and an exciting tribute to his cultural roots.
Together, Weizman, Haver, and Benghrib create a captivating mosaic of different physical, cultural, and spiritual approaches to FAITH.
The final mosaic piece lies with the audience.
Come. See. Hear. Feel.
- Free introduction at 19.30
Choreografie Khalid Benghrib, Roni Haver, Guy Weizman Dansers: Adam Peterson, Harléya Luya, Jésula Toussaint Visser, Kamal Aadissa, Mehdi Dahkan, Mouad Aissi, Rosie Reith, Sofiko Nachkebiya, Tatiana Matveeva Musici: Karima El Fillali, Max Frimout, Mehdi Nassouli, Niels Meliefste, Ryoko Imai Componist Max Frimout
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