
Krulmuziek, klassiek voor kleintjes
Sun 22 Oct ’23 and Sun 3 Mar ’24
Play concert for toddlers and preschoolers
Sun 22 Oct ’23
Sun 3 Mar ’24

Blub! Swim with us in the sea of music where the sounds of violin, viola and the great cello sway on the waves. Dive deeper and deeper to the sounds of classical water music together with the fish, seahorses, octopus and jellyfish.


'Blub!' is a musical experience for the youngest children. Experience the cheerful, frolicking and moving classical music, just like the surprising sounds that the water can make. The children can sing and move together with the musicians. The toddlers and preschoolers (2.5 – 6 years old) can also play with musical toys as music by famous composers is played. What could be more fun than discovering the many ways in which you can make music? At the end of the concert, the toddlers and pre-schoolers can try out real violins themselves.

  • Excludes beverage

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