Ocean Breeze
Fri 8 Nov ’2420:30 - 22:00Philipszaal
Imagine a woman. She has it all; a good job, a beautiful house, and a loving son. One day, she suddenly faints at work. An unexplainable illness is eating away at her. No one knows what's wrong with her — but there’s something in the air. Maybe she’s allergic to the 21st century?
Her battle with the illness doesn’t align with the story she’s heard her entire life: if you just work hard enough, you have everything under control. A narrative that she made her own so much that it now follows her every step she takes.
The NITE ensemble and live percussionist Dirge Seçil Kuran embody this sincere yet absurd, funny, magical, and touching journey: a rollercoaster ride that feels like scrolling through a social media feed. Ocean Breeze lets you experience how the body and mind slowly lose their hold on each other in society nowadays.
Inspired by Todd Haynes, Yolanda Hadid, Kim Kardashian, Olivia Laing, Audre Lorde, Nan Goldin, David Wojnarowicz, and others who have openly struggled with illness.
“NITE zet weer een overdonderende voorstelling neer.” ★★★★
Bekijk hier een video met publieksreacties na afloop van de première.
Regie Mart van Berckel Tekst Lisanne van Aert Cast Sarah Janneh, Bien De Moor, Sanne den Hartogh, Olaf Ait Tami, Nimuë Walraven, Olaf Ait tami, Dirge Seçil Kuran (percussie)
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