Nicole Beutler Projects
Nieuwe Maan
Sat 13 Jan ’24 - Sun 14 Jan ’24
Second part of the trilogy: RITUALS OF TRANSFORMATION
Sat 13 Jan ’24
Sun 14 Jan ’24

Let yourself be transported to a future in which the theater has been overgrown by nature. In the moist, vibrating depths, nature has taken its place and the wild promise of a reality that is still unimaginable is gradually taking shape. Earth is finally catching its breath and becoming a pulsating post-apocalyptic paradise teeming with life. Fragments of romantic nature songs resound from the shadows. Hybrid creatures emerge in the moonlight. In this immersive visual performance, we are shown the way to a new balance. In ATMEN, Beutler goes in search of a new balance between man, animal, plant, fungus and technology.

Earth is finally catching its breath and becoming a pulsating post-apocalyptic paradise teeming with life. Fragments of romantic nature songs resound from the shadows. Hybrid creatures emerge in the moonlight. In this immersive visual performance, we are shown the way to a new balance. In ATMEN, Beutler goes in search of a new balance between man, animal, plant, fungus and technology.

ATMEN is the second performance in the trilogy RITUALS OF TRANSFORMATION in which Beutler goes in search of a new balance between man, animal, plant, fungus and technology. In the first part, GINKGO or: 56 million years ago there were palm trees on the North Pole, we say goodbye to the man-made world.

  • Excludes beverage

About the company
Nicole Beutler Projects showcases the interdisciplinary and visual performances and initiatives of choreographic theater artist and artistic director Nicole Beutler.

The projects are driven by the desire for a better society. Throughout all her activities, Beutler invites a critical reflection on human existence. “It is my responsibility as an artist to open up new spaces in our thinking, both socially and artistically. Together we can change the world.

The company operates from a philosophy in which non-hierarchical cooperation, 'slow production', long-term vision, and care for the whole person and the planet stand central. Based on these values, it is building a diverse and inclusive community.


Concept and direction Nicole Beutler Performance & vocals Hillary Blake Firestone, Reve Ter Borg, Arnout Lems, Dominic Krämer, Felix Schellekens, Timo Tembuyser Music composition Gary Shepherd, Franz Schubert

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Performances, Moon lectures and shows | January 2023

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