
Thu 30 May ’24 20:00 - 22:05
The Wings of the Phoenix
Thu 30 May ’24
20:00 - 22:05
  • Thu 30 May ’24
    20:00 - 22:05
    Pauze 20:50
    Hertog Jan Zaal

Hinotori - The Wings of the Phoenix. Dawn breaks. Now it's time to get up. We are not defeated. Even if we run into a mountain that rises high. Even if we let our feet slide into a deep valley. We have risen many times. Just when we started to believe too confidently that we could go anywhere. The Japanese Taiko drum group Yamato takes the stage with more than 40 Taiko drums, each with a different character.

Dawn breaks. It’s now time to get up. We are not defeated. Even if we run into a mountain that rises high. Even if we let our feet slide into a deep valley. We have risen many times. Just when we started to believe too confidently that we could go anywhere.

Since 1993, this Japanese Taiko drum group has been bringing new life and a contemporary approach to the rich tradition of Japanese taiko drumming. Since their inception, they have performed over 4000 shows in 54 countries around the world. They are on stage with more than 40 Taiko drums, and they all have a different character. Their largest drum called “Odaiko” is made from a huge tree that is 400 years old. It is about two meters in diameter and weighs 500 kg. All the other Taiko drums are of varying sizes and create different sounds. Willpower and passion ensure that the Japanese can keep going. And they will share that passion and energy with you in this sizzling drum show.



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