Duel Reality

7 Fingers
Thu 16 May ’24 20:00 - 21:15
Circus on a new theatrical level
Thu 16 May ’24
20:00 - 21:15
  • Thu 16 May ’24
    20:00 - 21:15
    Hertog Jan Zaal

“Two households, both alike in dignity. In fair Verona, where we lay our scene. From ancient grudge break to new mutiny. Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.” - Romeo and Juliet. 7fingers takes this epic love story to its core, with the stage set as a sports arena. In Duel Reality, the audience witnesses two groups that stand against each other by default, due to their desire to rise above the other. Still, we catch a glimpse of the star-crossed lovers. They don't seem to care who wins or loses, as long as the game can bring them closer together.


7 Fingers takes this epic love story to its core, with the stage set in a sports arena. In Duel Reality, you witness two groups that stand against each other by default, due to the desire to rise above the other. Still, we catch a glimpse of the star-crossed lovers. They don't seem to care who wins or loses as long as the game can bring them closer together.

The Canadian group 7 Fingers (Les 7 Doigts de la Main) is a creative collective that combines acrobatics and theater, dance and multimedia, music and stories in a breathtaking manner. They tell human stories through superhuman abilities.

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