Masterclass beslisbomen maken

Katinka Polderman
Thu 14 Sep ’23 and Fri 15 Sep ’23
Thu 14 Sep ’23
Fri 15 Sep ’23

In 2023, Katinka Polderman is the decision tree maker of the Fatherland. Her book Decisionbos will be published in May, with the best decision trees to date as well as new previously unpublished trees. To celebrate the book, Polderman is giving a number of exclusive masterclasses in making decision trees. It's not a cabaret, it's not music, it's not theater, it's not a lecture. Rather, it is an occasional powerpoint presentation in which there is a lot to laugh about and, here and there, something to be learned. Defiant, original and down-to-earth, just as you are used to from this versatile maker.

Over Katinka Polderman 
Katinka Polderman is cabaretier, schrijver en maker. Polderman toerde met haar cabaretvoorstellingen in Nederland en België. Toen de theaters tijdelijk hun deuren sloten, vond ze zichzelf opnieuw uit als beslisbomenmaker. Nu schrijft en tekent ze o.a. voor de Volkskrant en Onze Taal.

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