
Conny Janssen Danst
Wed 27 Mar ’24 20:00 - 21:15
An ode to life, with all its ups and downs, its surprises and disappointments
Wed 27 Mar ’24
20:00 - 21:15
  • Wed 27 Mar ’24
    20:00 - 21:15
    Hertog Jan Zaal

In search of freedom, lightness, and unexpected encounters. What prevents us from embracing life and breaking through the barriers we place around ourselves and each other? In Ziel, the desire to live fully takes center stage. With a strong, adventurous group of dancers consisting of young talent and familiar faces. In this latest work by choreographer Conny Janssen, we find ourselves in the middle of life, with all the uncertainties and contradictions that go with it.

The Rotterdam dance company Conny Janssen Danst presents their new performance ZIEL, in which the desire to live life to the fullest takes center stage. With a strong, adventurous group of dancers consisting of young talent and familiar faces.

In this latest work by choreographer Conny Janssen, we find ourselves in the middle of life, with all the uncertainties and contradictions that go with it. Can we accept life without being paralyzed by the challenges ahead. Are we willing to take risks? Can we also feel comfortable if life does not bend to our expectations and wishes?

ZIEL is an ode to life with all its ups and downs, its surprises and disappointments. From tranquil moments to exuberant celebrations, from painful confrontations to hopeful expectations. In ZIEL, we express the urge to be free and brash, throw open the hatches and dive into the deep end without fear or diffidence.

  • With free introduction at 7:15 pm

"Ziel’ van Conny Janssen Danst is een fraaie, sterk gedanste voorstelling met een spectaculair toneelbeeld" ★★★★

de Volkskrant


Choreography Conny Janssen Dancers Adi Amit, Pedro Correia (stage), Alfonso López González, Pedro Ricardo Henry, Yanaika Holle, Maud Huizing, Sara Mistrorigo (stage), Gaspar Ribeiro (stage), Mariko Shimoda, Remy Tilburg, Carmine Vigliotti

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