Auti-communicatie verbindt | Mensen met en zonder autisme

Geef me de 5
Tue 26 Mar ’24 19:30 - 22:00
A lecture for and by people with and without autism
Tue 26 Mar ’24
19:30 - 22:00
  • Tue 26 Mar ’24
    19:30 - 22:00
    Pauze 20:30
    Hertog Jan Zaal

You communicate together. But what if one thinks very differently from the other? This quickly leads to miscommunication and misunderstanding on both sides. Colette de Bruin, founder of the Give Me the 5 method, often sees this happening between people with and without autism.

In this lecture, she tells how Auti-communication can lead to more mutual connection and understanding. She presents alongside people with autism, who share their experiences on video. A lecture for and by people with and without autism.

For anyone who:

  • wants to understand others better
  • wants to avoid miscommunication and conflict
  • is in search of: how is it done?

With the aim: to have a good time together again.

Visit this lecture for, or preferably with, your partner, child, parent, neighbor, client, colleague, grandchild, grandparent, student or teacher. Suitable for everyone from 15 years and older.

About Colette de Bruin
Colette de Bruin is the founder of the Give Me the 5 method and is an orthopedagogical behavioral expert. She is an authority on autism and author of the bestsellers Give Me the 5, Auti-Communication and Dit is Autisme. Beyond her organization, methodology and books, she trains professionals and educators who work with people with autism.

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