Theaterversie van de Keti Koti Tafel
Fri 27 Oct ’2319:00 - 20:00Kameleon
The Keti Koti Tafel is a tradition that has brought more than 35,000 Dutch people (50% white, 50% of color) into conversation since 2012. An equal number of white and black participants participate in a Keti Koti Tafel to reflect on the modern-day consequences of the Dutch slavery past and how to deal with it, guided through structured dialogue. During the tafel, there is a meal, rituals, mourning and liberation songs, and participants have one-on-one conversations using a specially developed dialogue method.
The Keti Koti Tafel consists of a dialogue table inspired by the theme of the performance and lasts about 40 minutes. Because an equal distribution of white people and people of color is a precondition for the Keti Koti Tafel, when buying tickets, you will be asked what race you primarily identify with (white or black).
- This pre-performance program can also be attended without visiting the follow-up performance
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