
De Stilte
Sun 24 Mar ’24
When the world was still uninhibited
Sun 24 Mar ’24

In the beginning, the world was uninhibited. Life was so pristine that curiosity was not troubled by fear or anger. In Blikvangers, two dancers and a musician go back to that beginning with unusual instruments and encounters, which then become normal simply because they are there.

Like the open gaze of one who first viewed the world, so pristine it was. The sound of water, the flow of movement, nature was wordless. Discovering was a piece of cake. Every touch was the beginning of an adventure.

In Blikvangers, two dancers and a musician go back to those beginnings with unusual instruments and encounters, which naturally occur because they are there.

Dance company de Stilte operates out of Breda and aims to use ambiguous performances to stimulate the imagination and the playful learning drive of children and boost their artistic abilities.

  • Excludes beverage
  • Children must also hold a ticket

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