Talking hands

Het Filiaal
Sun 17 Mar ’24 16:00
A performance with sign language and signdancing
Sun 17 Mar ’24
16:00 - 16:50
  • Sun 17 Mar ’24
    16:00 - 16:50

17-03-2024           Talking hands          Het Filiaal

You shake hands. With hands you make contact, both with each other and with the world. Hands probe, carefully feeling whether it is too hot. Or too cold. They can be tender but can also clench into fists. 

Hands are full of callous written stories. With hands you travel through time, from the very first handprints in ancient caves to the silent hands of our Dutch Sign Language (NGT) interpreter.

Talking Hands is a special cross-over performance with sign language and sign dancing. With a diverse and versatile cast, the NGT interpreter is also a professional dancer, and the actors are just as skilled in front of as well as behind the cameras. The young Syrian Ud player Jawa Manla sings incredibly. Interesting details are filmed live right before you and then projected on screens. The live music is combined with the silent music of sign dancing. In short, a poetic, funny and musical performance (with little text) about what connects us humans through all the ages and about hands with much to say.

  • This performance is suitable for everyone ages 9 and up and is extra fun if you can also speak some sign language
  • Excl. beverage
  • Children must also have a ticket.

'De vloeiende manier waarop De Kok de taal gebaart, leidt tot een begoochelende choreografie – je kan je ogen bijna niet van hem afhouden.'


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