Digital Twin

Another Kind of Blue
Fri 15 Mar ’24 20:30 - 22:10
Come along to the fascinating space between the digital and the physical
Fri 15 Mar ’24
20:30 - 22:10
  • Fri 15 Mar ’24
    20:30 - 22:10
    Pauze 21:05

Do the digital and physical worlds need each other to exist? How do they relate to each other, and how do they work together? The new full-length performance Digital Twin explores the overlapping, but above all, stimulating territory between the two worlds. Four different choreographies investigate what the interaction between this physical and digital world looks like.

Four different choreographies investigate what the interaction between this physical and digital world looks like.The piece MetaHuman holds up a (digital) mirror to us and shows us what form the digital twin version of a human can take. What would it be like to meet our digital twin brother or sister, and what could happen if we could communicate with them? 

Missing goes one step further and takes us to the near future. In this moving piece, a dancer enters into a duet with the digital version of someone who is no longer physically there, but whose digital person lives on in another world. It gives us a glimpse into what it would be like if we could leave a digital version of ourselves behind for our loved ones.

Frequency 3 takes a different path and opens the gates of the mathematical world of numbers for us. In this piece, we see how the dancers dance with the mathematics that exist behind these digital worlds. Finally, Airman also fits seamlessly with this theme, as the twelve drones from this piece can only dance because there is a digital twin version of each with which calculations are made to make them fly. In short, Digital Twin takes us into the fascinating space between the digital and the physical!

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