Over een kleine mol die wil weten wie er op zijn kop gepoept heeft

Meneer Monster
Sun 10 Mar ’24
Based on the well-known book by Werner Holzwarth and Wolf Erlbruch
Sun 10 Mar ’24

Mole pops up to see if the sun has yet risen when suddenly someone poops on his head. Poop! Gross! Mol goes looking for the culprit and meets a lot of wondrous animals who make it clear that it certainly wasn't them... 

But then, luckily, Mol meets two dung flies who can help him. Over een kleine mol die wil weten wie er op zijn kop gepoept heeft is a physical, virtually dialogue-free Meneer Monster production. A hilarious slapstick performance based on the famous book by Werner Holzwarth and Wolf Erlbruch.

About Meneer Monster
Meneer Monster is a hip and fresh youth theater collective that adapts international youth bestsellers into adult youth performances that are characterized by their sincere tone and accessibility. Meneer Monster is culturally enterprising and creative and is eager to conquer the hearts of their audiences, young and old, with their monstrous productions. 

  • Excludes beverages
  • Children must also have a ticket. 

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