Workshop Net(Anders)Werken: Building great performing multi-culural teams

door Ralu Nistor Lusterman
Thu 8 Jun ’23 16:00 - 17:00
Explore multicultural teams in an interactive workshop
Thu 8 Jun ’23
16:00 - 17:00

Many of us work in multicultural teams, or must work with colleagues from other cultures, and you might have even been proposed internal course like: “working with your French/Indian/American colleagues”; so how do we ensure we build relationships which embrace our diversities and create inclusive work cultures which enables individuals to thrive and teams to perform greatly?

We will explore this topic in an interactive workshop, where we will discuss how our individual maps of the world impact our internal narratives, on our behaviours and the importance of becoming aware of our differences as being a possible source of new perspectives in co-creating results.

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