
George & Eran Producties | Theater De Krakeling
Sun 28 Jan ’24 14:30 - 15:45
Battle with an unfair system
Sun 28 Jan ’24
14:30 - 15:45
  • Sun 28 Jan ’24
    14:30 - 15:45

Why do some people have more chances than others? And why do some people always have bad luck and others don't? Bad luck by George & Eran Productions is a musical magic-realist family show about taking matters into your own hands and fighting an unfair system.

In an imaginative world, the finger is pointed at the sore spot of inequality of opportunity, poverty and a gap that continues to widen.

Saar lives in a city that is different from all other cities. A city divided by a wide river without bridges. People on Saar's side of the river have a lot of bad luck. Bags full of real, tangible and palpable bad luck are delivered to their doors every day. Everyone has to take them into their home, those bags, there is no escaping it. Where does all this bad luck come from? Why do Saar and her father have more bad luck than the people on the other side of the river? That's unfair, isn't it? Saar crosses the river full of determination to find an answer to her questions. What she finds on the other side is perhaps even more shocking than all the bad luck put together: a complete system of bad luck makers, planners and distributors who have no regard for her and her fellow sufferers. Will she be able to win out against this mill of bad luck?

The performance is partly based on philosophical conversations that were had with children in primary and secondary schools, centering around the theme of bad luck, fate and poverty. During the research phase, discussions were also held with adults and children who were victims of the child benefits scandal.

  • Written by George Tobal, who was previously nominated for the Language Union Playwriting Prize for Woestijnjasmijntjes
  • Woestijnjasmijntjes was nominated for the Zapp Theater Prize
  • Excl. beverage
  • Children must also have a ticket.

De pers over Pech 8+

“De voorstelling ‘Pech’ is een vlot en fantasierijk theateravontuur over ongelijkheid” , “Regisseur George Tobal schreef een filosofisch sprookje over de oneerlijke verdeling van geluk. Zware kost die toch heel behapbaar wordt voor kinderen.” – Volkskrant ★★★★

“het verhaal is krachtig en helder, en de muziek, aangezwengeld door Milan Sekeris (die ook de stem van de brutale sokpop Marcus doet), is dik in orde.”– Het Parool

“Het laat je ook nadenken over hoe het zit met jouw eigen pech (of geluk). En over hoe fijn het is als iedereen het portie pech oppakt dat-ie kan dragen.” – Kidsweek ★★★★


Script and direction George Tobal Cast Roos Dickmann, Sia Cyrroes, Nazanin Taheri, Peter van Heeringen, Michiel Blankwaardt Music Milan Sekeris

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