Artificiële Intelligentie (A.I.)

Lieven Scheire
Tue 11 Apr ’23 20:30 - 22:10
An entertaining theater show about this wonderful new form of software
Tue 11 Apr ’23
20:30 - 22:10
  • Tue 11 Apr ’23
    20:30 - 22:10

Get to know the new superhero of technology in an entertaining way: Artificial Intelligence. You will get a look at how it all works, what it can do now and what it will be able to do in the future.

What exactly is Artificial Intelligence, but above all, what is it not? Are they computers that can think like us? No, not yet and maybe never. But A.I. gives computers and apps skills they've never had before: recognizing faces, naming objects, understanding and speaking human language, and they can even predict human behavior. These tricks lead to amazing possibilities that are increasingly visible in our daily lives. According to some, A.I. is, in combination with robotization, the last piece of the puzzle to a fully automated paradise. Whether that is true is far from certain. But that A.I. is omnipresent and will change our lives in the near future, that is certain.

About Lieven Scheire

Lieven Scheire is a Belgian comedian, physicist and science communicator. On stage and on television. No one can explain Einstein's theory of relativity, quantum mechanics or Drake's formula in such a snappy way and with the necessary dose of humor. He is known for many TV programs such as Scheire en de Schepping, Team Scheire, Proefkonijnen, Atlas, De Kennis van Nu and de Code van Coppens. In 2019, Lieven won the popular TV quiz De Slimste Mens in Wereld.

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