Fri 31 Jan ’2520:00 - 21:25Hertog Jan Zaal
Enjoy this autobiographical dance performance, in which Igone intimately shares her life story, including the highs and lows. From the hard way up, the glory years with the Dutch National Ballet to the “free fall” of recent years. Marijn Rademaker, who shared those glory days with her as a dance partner, also experiences his own Renaissance. The enchanting duo is back, and how! In Renaissance, the audience will have the unique opportunity to relive the passion of the pas de deux from Swan Lake and Romeo and Juliet.
The idea for Renaissance came about through the special collaboration between Igone de Jongh, Marijn Rademaker and Marc Pos, who is also directing.
''De voorstelling is niet alleen visueel prachtig, maar ook diepgaand en veelzijdig. De emoties spatten van het podium, van euforie tot verlies en van kwetsbaarheid tot hoop.'' ★★★★★
Regie Marc Pos Choreografie Ed Wubbe en Rudi van Dantzig
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