gO grOw

Proud creator of the gO grOw conversation game

Parktheater Eindhoven came up with the gO grOw conversation game to improve communication between employees and employer. For those who do not yet communicate well with others, an opportunity to start a conversation with each other. For those who are already regularly sitting with others at the table, an opportunity to make personal improvements. And for those who already talk well and easily, the opportunity to make improvements to society. The game is now available in both a Dutch and an English version.

The aim of the game is to eventually reach the center of the game board through conversations, debates, visions, outpourings, jokes, outbursts of laughter and perhaps a tear, and thus to get the best out of yourself and others.

In the course of time it became clear that this innovative game, originally tailor-made for the Parktheater, could be useful for all kinds of companies, because it fits perfectly with the new assessment in the future. Maybe something for your company? 

Dialoog als middel

Go Grow verbetert spelenderwijs de dialoog tussen medewerker en leidinggevende en tussen medewerkers onderling. Door een verbetering en verdieping van de dialoog kom je tot een beter begrip van elkaars perspectief. 

Go Grow gaat ervan uit dat iedere medewerker het best tot zijn recht komt als hij/zij voldoende vakmanschap en kennis bezit, goed in zijn vel zit, zijn passie kan volgen en delen, weet welke volgende stap hij wil zetten. De deelnemers gaan in vier rondes met elkaar in gesprek over de onderwerpen Know (kennis en vakmanschap), Flow (goed in je vel zitten), Glow (passie volgen en delen) en Grow (toekomstige ontwikkeling). 

Door middel van gesprekken, argumenten, visies, ontboezemingen, grappen, lachsalvo's en misschien een traan haal je het beste uit jezelf en de ander. Uiteindelijk maak je concrete en succesvolle afspraken over toekomstige ontwikkeling en persoonlijke groei. 


Interested? This unique game, developed by the employees of Parktheater Eindhoven, costs € 149.95 per game (excluding BTW and shipping costs). Please contact Marjon Reus via groeispel@parktheater.nl


Detailed explanation

A detailed explanation of gO grOw conversation game at Parktheater Eindhoven especially for your company? No problem. Groups of 8-10 people are very welcome. The costs for this customized explanation are from € 250 (excluding BTW).

Happiness walk

It is also possible to organize a customized Happiness walk, in the Parktheater or outside in the Stadswandelpark for € 19.50 per person (€ 15.50 per person for 16 people). Even an indoor / outdoor combination is no problem.

Team building

The above activities can also be combined with a meeting in your own organization or can be used as a stimulating team building session.

Questions? Contact Happiness Coach Marjon Reus on 040 - 2156103 or via e-mail at reus@parktheater.nl 

Happiness Walk
To increase awareness about happiness within your team or organization, you can book a Happiness Walk (minimum of 8 people). Happiness can be made and employees play a major role in creating their own happiness. Discover this in a practical workshop given by the Happiness Coaches of the Parktheater. Contact us on 040 - 2156103.