Eindhoven Student Dance Association Footloose
Sun 18 Jun ’23
An amazing dance show containing choreographies of all kinds of different dance styles
Sun 18 Jun ’23

What is the Showcase? The short answer is an amazing dance show containing choreographies of all kinds of different dance styles!

The longer answer is a show that can be seen as the 'end show' of the dance year for all members of ESDV Footloose, the student dance association of Eindhoven. All choreographies in the show are performed by Footloose members of all experience levels, and moreover, all choreographies are also created by enthusiastic members of Footloose and teachers themselves.

Theme – Break the Mould
Put an end to a restrictive pattern of events or behaviour by doing things in a markedly different way. Dancing is inclusive and open for everyone. All members of Footloose are welcomed and celebrated when looking for their true identity. The Showcase provides a moment for our dancers to show this true identity and to embrace it.

Members of Footloose break their mould by performing on a big stage for the very first time after participating in a yearlong intensive dance class program. It is the moment to showcase what each dancer has learned or created and to be proud of it. This one-in-a-lifetime experience brings all dancers closer together.

As a dance association, we love nothing more than dancing together. It is what connects us and makes us part of a community. This community is where friendships grow and memories are made. At times when we were not able to dance together, it was a great loss. This feeling showed how much we love and appreciate dancing together. 

Come and see different dance styles in one large performance together. Feel the energy that is created when a group of people dance together. It is sure to be a wonderful, unique performance! 

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