Emma Watson - The Play

& Nora El Koussour | Frascati Producties
Wed 21 Dec ’22 20:30
Wed 21 Dec ’22
  • Wed 21 Dec ’22
    Locatie: Natlab - Podiumzaal

Emma Watson (1990) is a British actress, activist, feminist and (role) model. Together with actress Nora El Koussour (known from Mocro Mafia), Caro Derkx attempts to familiarize himself by entering into a dialogue with Emma Watson.

What if change starts because we dare to think differently? What if we had the audacity to mold that world to our ideals? Suppose idealism starts in the theater? Then this is the rare chance to escape everything we thought we knew so well.

Emma Watson – The Play is a cinematic performance about the power of role models, new heroes and other possibilities.

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