onderdeel van stroom
Fri 30 Sep ’22 20:30 - 21:30
Theatrical concert with dance
Fri 30 Sep ’22
20:30 - 21:30
  • Fri 30 Sep ’22
    20:30 - 21:30

LENTE/22/K. is the second in a series of four dance portraits by theater maker and choreographer Ryan Djojokarso. Portraits in which he examines issues about descent and solidarity in a changing society.

(Opera) singer Bernadeta Astari and dancer Melisa Diktas tell the story of K. in Bahasa Indonesia, Javanese and Dutch, through various chapters about love, mourning, longing for the past, loneliness and hope.

Kom na afloop naar
Oscar de Boer gaat in gesprek met theatermaker Ryan Djojokarso. 

‘Ik hoop dat mensen via mijn voorstellingen naar zichzelf en hun eigen gedragingen kijken’

Ryan Djojokarso

About theater maker/choreographer Ryan Djojokarso (Suriname, 1983)

After successful performances such as LIBI, Mom:Me and Giovanni's Room and various collaborations, theater maker and choreographer Ryan Djojokarso founded his own foundation in 2020 - LIBI. The first performance by LIBI, WINTER/21/J., premiered in November 2021. This was also the kick-off of a four-part dance portrait in which he investigates issues about origin and solidarity in a changing society. In his performances, he works with both professional and amateur performers and brings different disciplines together. Ryan previously made pieces for Korzo, Conny Janssen Danst, Konzert Theater Bern and Scapino Ballet Rotterdam.

Ryan strongly supports the idea: 'culture is for everyone'. He notices that there are a lot of people in the Netherlands who (can) hardly ever go to performances. Art does not seem to have a priority in society, but for him, art is of great value. And because he was born and raised in Suriname, he also knows that art cannot be taken for granted. That is why he feels the urgency to create narrative dance performances that are recognizable and accessible to a broad and culturally diverse audience. His performances appeal to all layers of society: light, personal, playful, visual and with humor. At the same time, important social themes are highlighted.

About Stichting LIBI
DJOJOKARSO | LIBI is based in Rotterdam and is the new organization by choreographer and theater maker Ryan Djojokarso, founded to continue and deepen his autonomous work. Within the cultural landscape, the company is a new structurally-subsidized company. An important step that provides a first foundation for creating new work and for the further artistic development of Djojokarso as a multidisciplinary maker.


Concept, choreography, direction Ryan Djojokarso Featuring Bernadeta Astari & Melisa Diktas Composition Singhkéo Panya

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