Lekker Gezellig!

Fabian Franciscus
Sat 27 May ’23 20:30 - 21:50
A night of laughter
Sat 27 May ’23
20:30 - 21:50
  • Sat 27 May ’23
    20:30 - 21:50

It's time for Fabian's third show. With his characteristically sympathetic, disarming and above all fearful attitude, he defies life. Not with much success by the way... but that is what makes life so wonderfully predictable and fun! The moral of the story? Afterwards, you will be able to laugh better about everything, and that's so nice.

Afterwards, you will be able to laugh better about everything, and that's so nice. Or as Fabian would say: "Life is hard, and before you know it, a piano falls from the sky and you die. It’s enough to make you depressed. And so I was, with great success. Instead of being scared, I became even more scared and even scared myself. And that in itself, I found scary. So I just accepted that it won't get better and that, someday, I will probably die in the most terrible way. And that it will probably also turn out that I am somehow fatally allergic to dying. As you can see... in short, an evening of laughter; so nice!"

The first two performances by Fabian Franciscus have been extremely well received. His show Vlafeest is now on Netflix and was shown on television. Fabian has also been a guest on De Slimste Mens, Kopspijkers and De Vooravond, and he has played at the Zwarte Cross and Lowlands festivals.

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