
Sadettin K.
Thu 23 Mar ’23 20:30 - 21:25
I own therefore I exist
Thu 23 Mar ’23
20:30 - 21:25
  • Thu 23 Mar ’23
    20:30 - 21:25

Sadettin K. is a contemporary storyteller who combines the social with the personal through humor and self-relativity.

Money, like perhaps with most people, plays a major role in Sadettin's life. Whether it is present or absent, it controls his life. A secret that we can reveal here… the only reason why Sadettin was born as a child of Turkish migrant workers in Zutphen and not in his parents' village is: money.

Is that why Sadettin is so obsessed with it? Maybe it's something hereditary? Or does he have to pay off a debt? Making as much money as possible and being successful in life as compensation for the sacrifices of his parents? Supported by music by Kaspar Schellingerhout, Sadettin tries to find answers to these difficult questions.

“Sadettin Kırmızıyüz kijkt nog één keer terug in de ontroerende voorstelling ‘Monumentaal" ★★★★★

De Volkskrant

About Sadettin K.

Sadettin Kirmiziyüz presents his performances under the name Sadettin K. He made his name with performances such as Citizan K and that approach themes such as identity, migration and integration in a striking, sometimes funny, but always moving and empathetic way.


Concept, tekst en spel Sadettin Kirmiziyüz | Conceptontwikkeling Casper Vandeputte | Decor Sacha Zwiers | Licht Gé Wegman | Techniek Henk Geurds | Productie Nikita Oldert

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